Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
A Most Happy and Holy Easter to All!
The Pascal Triduun is the holiest time of the year, but is also the busiest for us priests and seminarians, as there are liturgies to plan, chapels to clean and decorate, vessels to polish, songs to practice and the list continues. Here at Ramsey, all was quiet as our community participated in the services of the triduum at our parish, St. Joseph’s in Lodi. The seminarians served as the master of ceremonies and all, by the grace of God, went well!
The celebrations began with The Mass of the Lords Supper, where we were reminded by Fr. Nony’s homily of the commandment of Love Jesus gave before giving himself to us in the Eucharist and on the Cross. The feet of twelve young men were then washed, putting into symbolic action the command of Christ. After the Mass, our community paid a visit to various churches to adore and keep vigil with the Lord and also to admire (and compare!) repositories.
Some last minute instructions from the M.C.
The Liturgy of Good Friday followed the next day as we commemorated the Passion of Christ. The empty tabernacle and the somber mood which filled the Church reminded us of the great sacrifice Christ performed for us all. The account of his passion and death were read and prayers offered on behalf of the whole world, after which all present adored the Holy Cross on which was hung the Savior. The Mass of the Presanctified followed.
Fr. Jason sharing the light of Christ before the renewal of baptismal vows
Finally, the long awaited night came! After blessing the fire and hearing the old testament accounts proclaimed, the Gloria was intoned and it was Easter! The bells peeled and made known to the whole town of Lodi that Christ is Risen!!! That night a young man, Brian Michael, joined the Christian family as he received baptism, confirmation and Eucharist.