The CRM Community of ‘Villa Santa Maria’, Kili- yanthara, Malabar, Kerala, was most privileged to welcome Very Rev. Fr. Teodoro Kalaw C.R.M, for the first time, as the Superior General of the Order. Father General reached here from our Bangalore Community on November 16 and stayed with us for three days. The visit, even though a short one, was fruitful and memorable. We were so touched by his pleasant and inspirational behavior and generous availability to listen to us. And we thank God for giving us such a wonderful person as our Father General.
On Sunday we had Holy Mass presided over by Father Ted. In his homily he shared some thoughts on discipleship and also on the importance of the religious and priestly life in this present time. He explained the values of a good disciple of Jesus. We should be, he said, the humble instruments to proclaim the Good News to the world. He emphasized that the Eucharistic Lord is our stronghold to overcome the various challenges in the religious life. He added, “You have to become bearers and shares of the God’s grace like St. Francis Caracciolo and other Founders of the Institute”. We were so inspired by
his homily and we do appreciate his passionate love for the Order. We had a meeting with Father General where he talked about the importance of religious priestly
life and stressed the need to remain faithful to our vocation. He also spoke on the topic of God’s love and he said that we have to see the face of God in everyone. He spoke about the importance of com- munity life and its values using the verse “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live in unity” (Psalm 133.1). Then he shared his thoughts on the life of prayer and the intimate relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. He added that we only pray for our needs and often forget to give thanks for the manifold graces we receive every day.
Fr. General found time to visit the college where we follow philosophical studies and met with some of our professors. Although his visit was short, we had good experience with Father General. We observed and experienced his simplicity, his kindness and good spirit which is the symbol of a happy, holy religious. Thank you, dear Father Ted, for everything you do, for everyone you serve, and, most of all, for caring and loving our CRM family.
Brothers Monce and Jerin, CRM