The USA-Philippines delegation chapter of the Adorno Fathers begins today. As part of the preparation for the General Dieta, a midterm meeting in Rome, the Chapter Fathers gather for four days in order to examine the reports from every religious house of the delegation, deliberate and make proposals for the General Chapter.
This year’s midterm meeting of the Adorno Fathers and there will be changes also with the assignments of priests. Evaluations of every house of the Order will be discussed as well as planning for future mission of within the delegation.
During the opening Mass of the Chapter, the Father General Ted Kalaw, CRM tells the chapter fathers his excitement for this meeting. Not only that this is very important for every Adorno, this marks also his first delegation chapter as a Father General.
In his homily he mentions the importance of openness to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to listen to its promptings and to be open to every opportunity that the Lord will take us to proclaim his Gospel.

St. Michael’s House of Formation, the headquarters of the USA-Philippines Delegation, Ramsey, New Jersey, USA
This year’s delegation Chapter is held in our Delegation Headquarters in Ramsey, New Jersey. The place is so dear all the Adornos in the delegation. It is not only our first house in the United States, it has become also a home for so many Adornos who came here to discern, study and prepare themselves to be missionary.
There are twelve Chapter Fathers in Attendance which came from our religious houses in the United States: New Jersey, South Carolina and in Vinzons, Lipa Batangas Philippines.
The theme for this years’ delegation chapter is: “A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn” – Psalm 51:19.
Delegation Logo: Blue amber flame signifies the four vows, circular flame signifies unity, the heart is the core of the Chapter which is a continuation of the general chapter three years ago with the addition of the sacrificial lamb with Joseph and Mary.
More reports from the delegation chapter will follow.