Dear Brothers,
I want to let you know that I’m deeply touched with all of your thoughtfulness, and prayers when I was confined in the hospital. Your well wishes helped me to have speedy recovery. To the brothers who assisted me, thank you so much may the good Lord bless your humble hearts.
Just wanted to let you all know a quick update about what happened, I was facilitating a spiritual retreat for the Missionary sisters of Mother Teresa. On the fifth day, I felt a severe pain in my abdomen. I went to the emergency room at Ostia Grassi pronto Soccorso Hospital, but they sent me home because they did not find the cause of my pain. I went back to the sisters and asked them if they can inject a pain killer just to get me through the night. However, even with a shot of pain killer, it was not enough to give me temporary relief. I once again requested to be sent to another Hospital, the one that is owned by the Opus Dei Fathers. The medical staff attended and provided me with more pain killers that gave me some moments of rest, but it did not last long.
Thank God the doctor arrived in the morning and explained that there was an inflammation in my pancreas, but the doctor could not pinpoint what caused it. My blood work was all good, so the doctor prescribed antibiotics and advised me to see my Primary Doctor in the US when I return, because they have more knowledge of my medical history. Currently, I feel fine. I just need to be mindful of my diet.
This month I will be traveling to the USA for a two week visit. A family that is close to me will have their wedding during the Labor Day Weekend. I will also take advantage of an event also in South Carolina for the Golf Tournament for our Mission and the Spartoberfest in Spartanburg. God- willing I should be back by the middle of the month. Please keep me in your prayers.
Despite the pandemic and the other challenges that naturally comes with life, we are more than in the half of 2021. It is September, a time when our New Delegates and Councils will begin their new responsibilities. Our Delegations are a source of grace for us because they are a source of unity where our charism is shared and lived as one. Our Delegations help us respect our diversity so that we can harmoniously work together despite our differences.
I share the same views as the Redemptorist Father, Anthony Gittins, CSsR. He wrote in his study that Intercultural living is an intentional and explicitly faith-based undertaking. It is not merely living together under the same roof. Intercultural living must not be imagine as the root of all problems.
Brothers, as a religious family we are one. It is of paramount importance for us to avoid attitudes of mistrust or xenophobia. It is our religious life lived authentically that helps us to reach this goal. In fact, I am happy to say, many of us realize this reality. One of my greatest consolations is our parishes in Italy and the USA and see our different members of our community are serving the people as one. Certainly there are challenges, but the blessings are far greater.
We have spoken about the need for our religious family to begin to create spaces where we can work with one another. Such creations include international Novitiates, theologates, etc. As the Psalm 133 reads, “How good it is, when Brothers live in Unity”. This is the unity that was close to the heart of our Founders. May we mirror their intentions.
Along with this letter, I join the Holy Father to ask you to include in the month of September to include in your Masses and prayers of the faithful the intentions for peace in Afghanistan. The local people are suffering under extremists whose intentions are not to serve the people, but rather to impose their own ideology of religion and politics. Pray for good governance and may the international community intervene for the welfare of this poor people who are caught up between the fight of the powerful nations. May peace and order be resolved as soon as possible.
God bless and continue the good work the Lord has bestowed upon us.
Fr. Ted O. Kalaw, CRM
Superior General