Dear Brothers,
General as part of the Diet of 2015, we finished the long process of revising the Constitutions, which became necessary: to comply with certain provisions of the Constitutions and Rules to the new legislations and laws of the Church; to bring out more in some places the spirit that had animated the Our Founding Saints; to adapt certain rules to the new reality of our Order.
In 13th October 2015, the text of the amendments or additions to our Constitutions approved by the Diet in 2015 with the General superior, was presented to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life for approval.
With great joy I inform you that the Congregation for for Institutes of Consecrated Life has issued a decree of approval on November 20, 2015 (prot. No. C 103-1 / 2008) for the new wording of the articles, as are contained in this “News”.
As required by the Congregation, reformulated by the Advisory Council, which met on December 29, 2015, the following items: 100-104-120-140-210.
Always in tune with the guidelines of the Decree of the Congregation, the Advisory Council has reformulated:
– the N. 6 / k of the Statute of the Delegation as follows: “Forward to the Superior General of the candidates’ applications and reports required for their admission to the novitiate, to first profession and to its renewal, to the solemn, the diaconate and the priesthood, joining documentation to the opinion of the Council. ”
– No. 6 / The Statute of the Delegation as follows: “with the consent of his Council and after reviewing the relevant documentation, to admit candidates to the ministries set up and transmit the decision to the Superior General for notification”
The new rules of the Constitutions or the new wording of some of them will go into effect from January 6, 2016, Feast of the Epiphany.
The revision of the Constitution would be meaningless if it were not also accompanied by a review within that leads us to live our consecration to the Lord in the spirit of our Holy Founders and in accordance with the current situation of the Order. Through the intercessions of our heavenly Mother and our Holy Founders.
In full communion with all of you.
Rome, 1 January 2016, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Raffaele Mandolesi
Superior General