News and Articles

11 04, 2018

US-Phil Delegation Chapter begins today

April 11th, 2018|

The First USA-Philippine Delegation Chapter of the Adorno Fathers officially begins today. It started with the invocation of the Holy Spirit at 8:00 AM.. All Chapter Fathers gathered in the Chapter meeting room praying and asking that the Holy Spirit will guide them in their sacred duty to discuss and [...]

8 03, 2018

Homily on Br. John Bert’s Solemn Profession

March 8th, 2018|

Fr. Ted Kalaw, CRM To my brother priests Adornos, to our seminarians in formation, to my beloved brother priest friends who are present, to our dear consecrated religious from various groups, including the Felician Sisters and the Sisters of Life from New York, to the members of the third Order [...]

8 03, 2018

“Shine like lights in the world” –Philippians 2:15

March 8th, 2018|

A religious journey with the Adornos begins in the Novitiate formation. From then, the novice will live out the Order’s spirituality and charism under the direction of the Novice Master. At the end of a full year, the novice will make his simple profession of vows, giving himself three years [...]

6 03, 2018

An Encounter with his Novices

March 6th, 2018|

One of the best moments of religious life is reunion. Whenever we have important events in the life of our order: it could be annual renewal of vows, feast of our founder, or religious profession of vows. This week, Br. John Bert Lolo makes his solemn profession of vows in [...]

6 02, 2018

Consecrated Life

February 6th, 2018|

Fr. Melvin Avilla, CRM What Consecrated Life Is  Consecrated Life "is a gift of God the Father to his Church through the Holy Spirit. By the profession of the evangelical counsels the characteristic features of Jesus - the chaste, poor and obedient one - are made constantly "visible" in the [...]

6 02, 2018

ECCE SERVUS DEI (Behold the Servant of God)

February 6th, 2018|

Behold the Deacon, Servant of God and Mankind, Ordained Disciple, Commissioned and Anointed. Receive the book of the Gospel. Behold and proclaim God who is true love. You are indeed a deacon, dedicated to God and mankind, May you always be true to your service, deacon of God. On the [...]

9 01, 2018

Fr. Hector Di Nardo, CRM (1931-2018)

January 9th, 2018|

The son of Pasquale and Maria Grazia Di Nardo, Father Hector was born in Roccamontepiano, Abruzzo, on February 2, 1931. After attending the local grammar school, he entered the seminary of San Giovanni College of the Clerics Regular Minor in Anagni on November 4, 1945, followed by philosophical and theological [...]

9 01, 2018

An Adorno priest, Father Di Nardo, dies at 86

January 9th, 2018|

It is with deep sorrow and sadness that we announce to you the death of our Adorno brother, Fr. Hector Di Nardo, CRM. He died peacefully on the vigil of the Epiphany and the anniversary of his Solemn Profession, January 5, 2018 at 4:48 PM. He was 86 years of [...]

5 11, 2017

First Adorno Vocation from Spartanburg, South Carolina

November 5th, 2017|

By Br. Rufino Madridejos, CRM During the Hallowed Eve of October 31, 2017, the whole Order of the Clerics Regular Minor – Adorno Fathers and Brothers welcomed Brother Benjamin J. Weiskircher, CRM as the newest Simple Professed Brother. It was a great evening of celebration which was well attended by [...]