News and Articles

24 05, 2006

Bowling Night

May 24th, 2006|

Scenes from community night(this time it was bowling):Br. Melvin Fr. Michael Fr. MichaelFr. Ted and Br. Liam Sem. TomBr. Liam

21 05, 2006

County Fair 2006

May 21st, 2006|

County Fair Alas, after weeks of preparations our annual county fair has come and gone. The day started with much welcomed sunshine which later regretfully turned into some rain. Hundreds of people flocked together on the grounds of our seminary to enjoy a day of prayer, fun, shopping, food and [...]

21 05, 2006

County Fair 2006

May 21st, 2006|

County Fair Alas, after weeks of preparations our annual county fair has come and gone. The day started with much welcomed sunshine which later regretfully turned into some rain. Hundreds of people flocked together on the grounds of our seminary to enjoy a day of prayer, fun, shopping, food and [...]

17 05, 2006

Spring Fair

May 17th, 2006|

Come and join us for our annual spring fair this comingSunday, May 21, 2006,on the seminary grounds. Please bring your family and friends to enjoy a day of fun and fellowship.(The rain date is the following Sunday, May the 28)Let us pray for good weather.

27 04, 2006


April 27th, 2006|

The Coat of Arms of the Clerics Regular MinorWelcome to the news section of our website. We have decided for the sake of convenience to convey any news we may have in blog form, rather than posting it directly on our website. Here you will be given a glimpse into [...]