News and Articles

7 02, 2022

The Opening of the General Diet

February 7th, 2022|

Monday, February 7, 2022.  João Braz Cardinal DE AVIZ, prefect of the Congregation of the Consecrated Life opened the Order’s General Diet 2022, with a celebration of the Mass. In his homily, the Cardinal, mentioned that the chapter fathers must strive to go back to the roots of the Order, [...]

3 02, 2022

Adorno priest murdered in North Kivu of the Democratic Republic of Congo

February 3rd, 2022|

Our religious brother priest, ordained in 2019 and the parish priest of the Catholic parish of Kaseghe, Father Richard Masivi, CRM (37 years old), was shot dead by unidentified armed men in Busesa between the city of Kirumba and Mighobwe, in the Lubero territory, in North Kivu, Wednesday 2 February [...]

15 12, 2021

Father Igino Basilici, CRM

December 15th, 2021|

An Endearing Master of Novices We would like to close these 50 years of the re-birth of the Clerics Regular Minor with the story of a young priest, Father Igino Basilici, who was Master of Novic- es during the very trying years of World War II. He was bom in [...]

8 11, 2021

Brothers installed to minor ministries of Lector and Acolyte

November 8th, 2021|

“He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, a reward from God his Savior. Such is the race that seeks him, that seeks the face of the God of Jacob.” Psalm 24:5-6 On the 1st of November, 2021, Solemnity of all Saints, The Adorno Fathers community in Lipa, Philippines celebrated [...]

2 11, 2021

La Carta – November 2021

November 2nd, 2021|

DEAR BROTHERS, May the peace of Christ conquer your hearts! November, a time to remember and reflect and I hope this leads us to be more blessed and contemplative. Let us first remember our beloved saints who have been canonized by the Church, especially our very own St. Francis Caracciolo. [...]

15 10, 2021

Three celebrations in one day for the Order in the USA-Phil Delegation

October 15th, 2021|

Adorno Fathers Formation House, Vinzons, Camarines Norte, October 13, 2021—-Thirteen may be a number that many people consider as unlucky, but for the Clerics Regular Minor (CRM) - Adorno Fathers USA- PHILIPPINE Delegation, this date gives us many reasons to celebrate: First, October 13, 1563 marks the commemoration of the [...]

5 10, 2021

Bush Mission Experience

October 5th, 2021|

There are many good and bad experiences that I had since I wrote an article with regards to my initial experience here in Nairobi, Kenya in 2019. One thing that I realized during those moments of experience is that “God is always in control; He will never abandon us. Trust [...]

29 09, 2021

Religious life in time of Pandemic

September 29th, 2021|

I am pleased to share with you the beauty of sharing God’s Love as Brothers in the US- Philippines Delegation. Due to the pandemic, last year we were not able to have our annual retreat as a Delegation. This year, we are grateful to God for allowing us to gather [...]