News and Articles

10 09, 2021

La Carta – September 2021

September 10th, 2021|

Dear Brothers, I want to let you know that I’m deeply touched with all of your thoughtfulness, and prayers when I was confined in the hospital. Your well wishes helped me to have speedy recovery. To the brothers who assisted me, thank you so much may the good Lord [...]

3 09, 2021

From a Rector of the Theological Seminary to a Parish Priest

September 3rd, 2021|

The Parishioners of Jesus Our Risen Savior Parish in Spartanburg, South Carolina officially welcomed their 7th Pastor, Fr. Liam Reza, Panganiban, CRM on September 2, 2021. Hailed from Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya Philippines, Fr. Liam is the 2nd born child to Dr. William Panganiban and Elena Panganiban of Haverstraw, New York. [...]

9 08, 2021

Blessing of the CRM House at Bhekuliang Arunachal Pradesh

August 9th, 2021|

Thanks and praise be to God for all His blessings and plans. For the Greater Glory of the Rising Christ, on April 10, 2021, our new Community residence building, has been blessed and inaugurated. It is the fourth one and the first mission Community in the Indian peninsula, in Bhekuliang, [...]

5 08, 2021

US-Philippine Delegation Assignments 2021-2024

August 5th, 2021|

Delegation Council Fr. Jason Caganap, CRM Delegation Superior Fr. Michael Marotta, CRM Delegation Secretary Fr. Nony Villaluz, CRM Delegation Economo Fr. Liam Panganiban, CRM Vice Delegate Location Personnel St. Joseph Church Lodi, New Jersey Fr. Jason Caganap, CRM Delegation Superior Shijomon Kurian, CRM Administrator/Local Superior Arjay Cecilio, [...]

4 08, 2021

La Carta – August 2021

August 4th, 2021|

Dear Brothers, We begin this month of August with the inspiration of a great saint that we can imitate in our pastoral and religious life. St. John Vianney exemplified the faithful life of a priest. In spite of the many challenges of life and pastoral demands, his eyes [...]

30 06, 2021

La Carta – July 2021

June 30th, 2021|

Dear Fathers and Brothers, Greetings of peace and Happy Feast of the Foundation of the Order! It is our honor and joy that our Order is 433 years old and by the grace of God, we continue to thrive in a world that is fleeting and transient. In line with our [...]

4 06, 2021

The Schools in Kaseghe and Kharumwa

June 4th, 2021|

The mission works of the Adorno Fathers in Congo, DRC began in 1984. With a mission area of 2400 square kilometers and population of about 80,000 at that time, the first Adornos came to Nyamilima to establish the missions to teach the faith, educate the people on laws and rights, [...]

4 06, 2021

La Carta – June 2021

June 4th, 2021|

Dear Brothers, I would like to begin this reflection with a question. What is it that motivates us as consecrated men in the Family of the Clerics Regular Minor? This question is actually quite profound because it has to do with what motivates us. In other words, using the words [...]

24 05, 2021

Ad Maiorem Resurgentis Gloriam

May 24th, 2021|

The motto of a religious Order is not something that should be taken lightly. The reason being is because mottos are meant to reflect the vision of the Founders. We read in our Constitutions #4 that: To this call of special consecration, the Venerable Augustine Adorno, St. Francis Caracciolo [...]